
Our Valley Breeze/Observer Half Page Ad!

This week, the Valley Breeze/Observer is distributing the pet edition insert. Check out our half page ad! I think it screams "FUN!" what do you think?...

Look! Squirrel! was in the Valley Breeze Observer recently!

November Newsletter

Look! Squirrel! Newsletter

Autumn Did the First Puzzle at Look! Squirrel!

Autumn was an awesome sleepover buddy! Yes! The caretaker room is open and ready for occupancy!...

Waiting to Open!

We had two very important inspections at the facility and are very close to opening! We can't wait to open!...

Visiting the facility with an adorable Coton de Tulear!

We visited the facility today to see how it's coming along. The drywall in the main room will be ready for paint this weekend! We can't wait to start painting! Since the July/August Look! Squirrel! Newsletter, more work was done on the curb appeal. Check out the new flower boxes and plants my husband added!...

Our July/August Newsletter is Here!

Click to see the most recent Newsletter Click the link below to see the PDF Newsletter...

Excuse Me Ms. Christine….I would very much like to go there,.. PLEASE!

Moving Forward!

The water is turned on and we are ready to go! We decided to do our own painting! We are going to start by painting the red brick shades of grey to compliment the vinyl. I'm also going to add some creative touches to make the exterior feel warm and inviting. I can't wait to see the building finished! The entire inside needs to be built, including HVAC, plumbing, flooring, walls and ceilings. So happy we had the chance to design the interior for our fur buddies!...